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Writer's pictureThe Zigen Fund

人寿保险,退休帐户也可以做公益献爱心。Life insurance and retirement accounts can also be used for charity

大多数人都知道,人寿保险的主要功能是保障家人生活的经济来源, 万一当事人早逝,家中失去一份收入,家人领到一笔赔偿金,以免陷入财务困境。

比较少人知道的是,人寿保险不但可以帮助家人,也可以帮助你认为需要帮助的个人或团体。你可以将你认为有意义的公益项目、团体列为受益者之一。我这里特 别提到“有意义的“,这有系于每个人的理念和价值观,见仁见智。 例如,有人特别关注山区的儿童妇女,改善他们的教育和生活环境。

举些例子说明一下,某甲热心公益,尤其教育方面的,常捐款给某一公益组织。他买了一份100万元的人寿保险,万一 他不幸早逝,其中 40 万用来付清房子贷款,50 万用来给家人生活费,和让正在念高中的孩子念完大学,还有 10 万元则给山区的学校贫困生。又例如某乙刚退休,她特意保留或者新办了一份10万元的人寿保险,指定受益人是某一公益组织,帮助贫穷地区学生上学。 她仍活着时,她会时不时捐两,三百元给这组织。她想,万一自己走了,还可以资助几个贫困生上大学。通过人寿保险 ,把自己的爱心传给贫穷孩子。

对公益事业很关心的人,也可以把自己的退休金的一部分捐给公益事业。例如某丙有60 万元在IRA账号内,他退休后将账户内的钱取出来自己 用,可以指定,若自己走后账户内仍有钱,就全部或有一部分给某一公益事业。又例如,某丁已退休,在银行有些存款,她想把其中 20 万转入保险公司办理的退休年金,换取保险公司每个月给她一笔生活费,(一部分是本金, 一部分是利息)只要她仍活着,保险公司就一定要给她钱用,(长命 ,连利息将超出本金)她就不怕钱用得太快,长命没钱用。而且她仍可继续捐些给公益, 并把公益事业指定为受益者。这样安排 ,也不怕自己糊涂作出错误的投资亏了,或给人骗了,损失惨重。万一她早走了,若已领的钱的总数仍少于本钱 (例如总共已领了 16 万),保险公司就会将差额(例如4 万)给公益,留爱社会。

上面所述的办法简单实际,不需要花钱找律师办什么文件, 或找会计师填什么报表,也不必去政府什么部门机关报告备案,只需在保险公司的受益者一栏中 填写清楚和签字就可以了,免费的。以后若有什么原因想改变主意,就重新填一个新的指定受益者的表格. 这个方法,对很多有爱心的人都适用,不富裕的, 留一、两万元给公益; 稍宽裕的,留一、二十万也不难; 有钱的,留一、两百万,都是造福社会,把爱心永传下去。 (如有疑问请联系我们。)

张一程老师是滋根长期支持者,为滋根贡献了很多力量,拥有丰富 的保险知识

Most people know that the main function of life insurance is to protect the family's financial resources. If the person dies prematurely and the family loses an income, the family receives a compensation to avoid financial difficulties.

What few people know is that life insurance can not only help family members, but also help individuals or groups that you think need help. You can list public benefits projects and groups that you think are meaningful as one of the beneficiaries. I especially mention "meaningful" here. This is tied to everyone's philosophy and values. Different people have different opinions. For example, some people pay special attention to children and women in mountainous areas to improve their education and living environment.

To give some examples to illustrate this, a certain person A is enthusiastic about charity, especially education, and often donates to a charity organization. He bought a life insurance of 1 million dollars. In case of his untimely death, 400,000 dollars will be used to pay off the house loan, 500,000 dollars will be used to pay for the living expenses of his family and let the children who are in high school finish college, and 100,000 dollars is given to poor students in schools in mountainous areas. Another example is a certain person B who just retired and deliberately retained or created a new life insurance of 100,000dollars. The designated beneficiary is a charity organization to help students in poor areas go to school. She would donate two or three hundred dollars to this organization from time to time while she was still alive. In case she passed away, she could also sponsor a few poor students to go to college, passing on love to poor children through life insurance.

People who are very concerned about public benefits undertakings can also donate part of their retirement funds. For example, a certain person C has 600,000 dollars in the IRA account. After he retires, he takes out the money in the account for his own use. You can specify that if there is still money in the account after he passes, all or part of it will be given to a public benefits cause. For another example, a certain person D has retired and has some deposits in the bank. She wants totransfer200,000 of it to the retirement annuity handled by the insurance company in exchange for the insurance company to give her a monthly living allowance (part of the principal and part of the interest) As long as she is still alive, the insurance company must give her money. (if she has a long life, even the interest will exceed the principal) She is not afraid of using money too quickly and not having money in a long life. And she can continue to donate some to the charity and designate the charity as the beneficiary. With this arrangement, she is not afraid of losing a lot by making a mistake in her investment, or by being cheated. In case she passes early, if the total amount of money received is still less than the capital (for example, atotalof160,000 has been received), the insurance company will give the difference (for example, 40,000) to the public benefit sand save the society.

The above-mentioned method is simple and practical. It does not require spending money to find a lawyer to do any documents, or finding an accountant to fill in any statements, nor going to any government department or agency to report and file, just filling in the insurance company’s beneficiary column clearly and signing, free of charge. In the future, if you want to change your mind for any reason, just fill in a new form for designated beneficiaries.

This method is applicable to many caring people. For those who are not wealthy, ten or twenty thousand dollars is reserved for public benefits; for those who are a little more generous, one or two hundred thousand is not difficult; for those who are rich, one or two million are reserved. They all benefit the society and pass on love forever.

(Mr. Zhang Yicheng has supported Zigen for a long time and has a wealth of insurance knowledge, if you have any questions)

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