Green Eco Villages
To promote education for sustainable development (ESD) in rural China through the establishment of Green Eco Villages.
Zigen Green Eco Village Program

Revitalizing Village: Rural sustainable Leadership Training

Lectures on Chinese Medicine

Women Leadership Training

Zigen supports and encourages villagers to initiate projects which promote a spirit of cooperation, preserve local culture, weave a village network and build an infrastructure for communal benefit.
During recent years, Zigen has gradually increased funding in the area of community development, as our local partners are becoming more and more active in taking initiatives of innovative projects, as cohorts of young graduates from schools turning into contributing members in the villages.

Zigen regards health as one of few basic human needs that should be guaranteed. The provision of health care in many remote part of rural China is problematic due to many factors, such as economic hardship, lack of access to basic medical facilities, disadvantaged communication and transportation, and most importantly, the absence of a fair and affordable health care system.
In order to meet the immediate and urgent needs of villagers, Zigen has supported the setting up of clinics, training of paramedics, and mobile volunteer medical teams. Zigen has also focused on preventive medicine and health education, and implemented projects that promote Chinese medicine and other low-cost health solution, raise consciousness for keeping fit, and educate villagers regarding health issues.

Supporting environmentally sound technology in rural China is one of major Zigen strategies for human centered sustainable development. Zigen made every effort to identify locally based, affordable low-tech solutions for everyday needs in rural consumption and production.
In the past two decades, Zigen supported and promoted environmentally friendly and energy saving stoves, and biogas systems for both rural families and schools. Other projects include improved heating system for rural houses, and measures to reduce pollution by pesticides.

Our programs include:
Small loans to cooperative economic projects
Village women groups
Construction of women’s center
Village culture groups
Senior folks association